
Our Mission at Women Who Test

Women Who Test allows women to share ideas and solutions while helping each other thrive and advance in their careers. WWT features speakers and topics at our events that are designed to inspire, teach, and motivate. Becoming a part of Women Who Test gives you the opportunity to connect with a worldwide community, join or start a local chapter, contribute content and knowledge, listen to and be inspired by others’ stories, and continue learning with other women in tech.

Message from the Founder

I hope that women will speak about their experiences and share their knowledge and perspectives in our public forums, helping to further their careers and influence others. The saying "You can’t be what you can't see" is powerful and true: It's essential to the software industry that we continue to add diversity, because you can’t build great products without the full spectrum of perspectives. I want to live in a world where women are proportionally represented in the workplace in all roles, and it's my mission to help get the ratio to where it should be. Together, I hope we will inspire each other, and all women, to change the world of technology for the better.

Testimonials from Our Members

"This has been amazing, and [I] would not have felt complete without this session. I definitely have a lot of content to take back. Thank you for this, I feel empowered. I feel the men need this just as much!"

Darlene Soukhaphonh, Quality Services, Root Cause Analyst, TMNA Services

"So much to take back. I loved it! Especially the reminder to follow my heart."

Ratika Garg, Test Lead, Taco Bell

“So glad I came. Not only for our careers but for our lives.”

Heather Doll, Lead QA Engineer, Virtual Radiologic

"Inspiring. I was moved to action! Amazing women and role models."

Dawn Jardine, Senior Quality Assurance Analyst, Razorfish

Partners, Sponsors, and Friends

"I love love love this! I related in work and personal life and will start making #noexcuses as part of my philosophy"

STARWEST 2016 Attendee

Copyright Women Who Test © 2025


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