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Thoughts on Women Who Test

You have something valuable to share with other Women Who Test. Write a story, repost an article, or share a thought or just a tip. You don’t have to be a writer to share; anything you have found useful in the past could help someone else in the future. Share the knowledge.

Shift Your Mindset with Your Testing

Quality and testing consultant Isabel Evans discusses shifting testing left. She says shifting your mindset along with your testing activities will make all the difference in embracing this change, because how you think about testing is more important than when you do...

Taking the Negativity Out of Negative Testing

Some problems aren’t the result of products not doing the right thing. Sometimes, that’s the way the products are designed, and they are just plain difficult to use. Testers are the first users of the software, and they are essential in making it usable. In the end,...

Motivating a Millennial Workforce

In this interview, Nikki Henry, founder and CEO of Ladies Leading Ladies, talks about where to find great millennial employees to hire and how to keep them motivated. Nikki says millennials are very passionate and purpose-focused, and treating them as individuals will...

Testing AI Systems: Not as Different as You’d Think

AI-based tools have transformed from a vague, futuristic vision into actual products that are used on a day-to-day basis to make real-life decisions. Still, for most people, the inner workings of deep-learning systems remain a mystery. If you don’t know what exactly...

Applying Test Strategy in the Real World

In this interview, Janna Loeffler, manager of quality engineering at Ultimate Software, discusses the new and upcoming technology Carnival Cruise Line is working on. She talks about how she keeps herself current and relevant in testing by using new tools in the...

Utilizing Containers to Improve Your Production Outcomes

In this interview, Melissa Benua, engineering manager at mParticle, discusses the role that containers play in test environments. She answers questions like: Why do you need containers? How is your team going to benefit from containers? What is the first step in...

Job Security in the Age of Automation

In this interview, Dawn Haynes, CEO, testing coach, and consultant for PerfTestPlus, and Jennifer Bonine discuss the ever-evolving world of AI and machine learning and the impact on the future of testing. Dawn explains why tools and automation will not be able to...

Lessons Learned From Inspiring Women

I first became acquainted with Women Who Test by listening to the Women Who Change Tech podcast. After listening to every episode I decided to attend my first Women Who Test event at STAREAST 2019. Opening Remarks Alison Wade started the morning off by sharing an...

Embracing Tools and Technology in QA

In this interview, Melissa Tondi, senior QA strategist at Rainforest, and Jennifer Bonine discuss the foundation you need in order to have a positive introduction for new tools and technologies. Melissa explains why the team leader has to understand what motivates...

Imposter Syndrome and Being Wrong

Failure can be hard, especially if we are unaccustomed to falling and getting back up. However, without failure, there can be no growth. We posit that being comfortable taking risks can accelerate women’s careers, and that avoiding risk is a common cause for...

The Power of Collective Experience

Bring your biggest challenges to this session and tap the wisdom of others. In this immersive session, you will tackle some of the most widely mentioned challenges brought to light from the group. Whether it’s a software testing conundrum, a project setback, a...

Building Your Personal Brand for Success

Building the right personal brand is one of the critical success factors in today’s workplace. Organizations develop a brand and image, but not many individuals think about their personal brand and how it can affect their career. As we interact with people, we want to...

Not Just A…

At Women Who Test in Orlando on 3 May 2019, a couple of participants referred to themselves as "just a manual tester." Dot Graham wisely intervened to suggest that we don't say "just a manual tester." First — we do not need to self-deprecate: none of us are "just a...

Advice for Women Starting in CI/CD: Q&A with Sui Lai

When she was just 16 years old, Sui Lai knew she wanted to pursue a career in technology. In high school, Lai enjoyed math but couldn’t easily find a career path in the mathematics field that she felt drawn to. Then someone suggested Lai pursue a computer science...

"What a wonderful way to end the conference. I hope to come back and hear more."

JoAnn Foss, Associate Test Analyst, Digi-Key Electronics

"I love love love this! I related in work and personal life and will start making #noexcuses as part of my philosophy"

STARWEST 2016 Attendee

"So much to take back. I loved it! Especially the reminder to follow my heart."

Ratika Garg, Test Lead, Taco Bell

“Is there any rating above a 10? [ Tania Katan was] the most amazing speaker I’ve ever heard. I can’t wait for her book. So funny, so smart, so profound. 10 million % is my grade."

Katelyn Kappas, QA Engineer, Insight Catastrophe Group

“I loved my day today. Should I return again, I will evangelize this day to all the other women. The safe space was really great confirmation that I am as valuable as ever. Thanks ladies!”

Beth Jackson, QA Lead, DuPont Pioneer

"Thank you! We all need more of these kinds of events!!! Why not expand it to all women in IT! Can you bring this to Europe?"

Jasna Skrbec, PM, NIL

"This has been amazing, and [I] would not have felt complete without this session. I definitely have a lot of content to take back. Thank you for this, I feel empowered. I feel the men need this just as much!"

Darlene Soukhaphonh, Quality Services, Root Cause Analyst, TMNA Services

“This is a wonderful event! More please! My entire team are women and I look forward to bringing my team next year!”

Angela Rapone, QA Manager, Florida Hospital

“So glad I came. Not only for our careers but for our lives.”

Heather Doll, Lead QA Engineer, Virtual Radiologic

“On a scale of 1-10, Angie Jones is an 11. I wish my 14-year old daughter who also has “big + bold” hair could meet her!”

Alison Lakey, Embedded Tester, Practice Velocity

"Inspiring. I was moved to action! Amazing women and role models."

Dawn Jardine, Senior Quality Assurance Analyst, Razorfish

Partners, Sponsors, and Friends

"So much to take back. I loved it! Especially the reminder to follow my heart."

Ratika Garg, Test Lead, Taco Bell

"Inspiring. I was moved to action! Amazing women and role models."

Dawn Jardine, Senior Quality Assurance Analyst, Razorfish

"I love love love this! I related in work and personal life and will start making #noexcuses as part of my philosophy"

STARWEST 2016 Attendee

"This has been amazing, and [I] would not have felt complete without this session. I definitely have a lot of content to take back. Thank you for this, I feel empowered. I feel the men need this just as much!"

Darlene Soukhaphonh, Quality Services, Root Cause Analyst, TMNA Services

“I loved my day today. Should I return again, I will evangelize this day to all the other women. The safe space was really great confirmation that I am as valuable as ever. Thanks ladies!”

Beth Jackson, QA Lead, DuPont Pioneer

“This is a wonderful event! More please! My entire team are women and I look forward to bringing my team next year!”

Angela Rapone, QA Manager, Florida Hospital

“On a scale of 1-10, Angie Jones is an 11. I wish my 14-year old daughter who also has “big + bold” hair could meet her!”

Alison Lakey, Embedded Tester, Practice Velocity

"Thank you! We all need more of these kinds of events!!! Why not expand it to all women in IT! Can you bring this to Europe?"

Jasna Skrbec, PM, NIL

"What a wonderful way to end the conference. I hope to come back and hear more."

JoAnn Foss, Associate Test Analyst, Digi-Key Electronics

“So glad I came. Not only for our careers but for our lives.”

Heather Doll, Lead QA Engineer, Virtual Radiologic

“Is there any rating above a 10? [ Tania Katan was] the most amazing speaker I’ve ever heard. I can’t wait for her book. So funny, so smart, so profound. 10 million % is my grade."

Katelyn Kappas, QA Engineer, Insight Catastrophe Group

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